
Everyone, everywhere needs help and hope!  Sometimes, it is with the simple proclamation of the Good News.  At other times, when the economic and political situations are so difficult, it requires us to assist and reach people with the very important personal help that humanity requires.  This can include providing food, clothing and medical care.

In our international teams, we extend this “reaching” ministry in the following ways:

  • Middle East Life Center  – Providing medical care, food and clothing to hundreds of Syrian refugees.
  • Philippines Life Home – to rescue abandoned and orphaned children.
  • Ghana Life Center –  to train and equip ladies who were susceptible to Trokosi Slavery.  Also, reaching out the many children of the region with love and academic assistance.
  • Nigeria Mission Center
  • Costa Rica Mission Center
  • Life Home in Guatemala – to rescue street children and HIV babies.
  • Life Center USA

Over the years, Mutual Faith Ministries has assisted in some of the most difficult war torn areas of the world.  Today, we are grateful for teams in the nations to daily facilitate and care for the precious people who need tangible natural help, and also need to know and believe in God’s love for them.

Keith & Heidi Hershey

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