We believe the Gospel message is anchored in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We have a mandate to share this life altering good news, to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” Put simply, our message is…
A further summary statement of our doctrine is as follows:
God is an eternal fellowship of holy love — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Out of the overflow of this love God has created all of existence, and especially humanity, to be recipients and reflectors of His love.
Humanity fell from a position of receiving the love of God and trusting Him, to a place where they turned inward, sinned, and fell short of the glory of God.
Because of God’s ever pursuing love, God chose out of total unconditional grace to become man and offer to God the trust, love, sonship, and glory that is due His name on our behalf and in our place.
Jesus came as the man from heaven, born of the virgin Mary, to unite our broken, self-centered, sin stained humanity to His very eternal, loving, being as God, and restore us complete in his love, by dying on the cross and shedding His blood for the forgiveness of sins.
This restoration has taken place at every level. When Jesus lived we lived, when Jesus died we died, when Jesus rose again from the dead we rose again from the dead, when Jesus ascended into heaven we ascended into heaven.
Therefore we call Jesus our Savior, Lord, Redeemer, Restorer, Healer, and Friend.
We receive of His life by changing our minds about Him, and trusting in the good news about Him.
The Christian life is one of being united to Christ and offering up continual thanksgiving for His love and grace that has been lavishly bestowed upon us.
Being baptized is us participating in the proclamation of God that we are saved by Christ alone and not through our own efforts or work. It shows forth the message that we have died with Christ and been raised to newness of life.
Partaking in the Lord’s Supper is regularly observed to remember the Saving death of our Lord Jesus. Just as the bread and juice become part of our physical bodies, so we are made by grace to partake spiritually of Jesus Christ in his body and blood.
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to comfort and empower the church, and this same Spirit operates among the church and we can expect Him to work among our lives with signs, wonders, miracles, gifts of healings, heavenly languages, and heavenly character qualities.
The Bible is the storybook of God’s mission to save man through Christ. It has been inspired by Spirit of God, and is totally trustworthy in its proclamation and message.
Jesus is coming again to judge the living and the dead, and will bring a final restoration in a new heavens and new earth.
Finally, as children of God, we are overcomers and more than conquerors, and God intends for each of us to experience the abundant life He has in store for us.
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